
SERP AI - AI Alliance | TRAILER #2

Artificial intelligence is clearly the biggest opportunity that this world has seen in a very long time... And we can already see the largest companies on the planet trying to claim it, regulate it in their favor, capitalize off it, and protect their interests over all others with their "moats" and bullshit. Well the way I see it... That's YOUR data. Your knowledge. Your wisdom. It's your time & effort that's gone into building that platform that's making them millions of dollars a year. And, of course, companies like open AI that started as nonprofit open source entities, and to do wonderful things for the industry until the money blinded them... And are now ingesting petabytes of peoples data, charging them for it, and trying to enact legislation to keep their competitive edge... And making BILLIONS of dollars off the AI trained on the collective content, knowledge, wisdom, and effort that we all together, as one World, have contributed to the internet H...

How to Setup G Suite MX Records (Google Workspace) +SPF, DKIM & DMARC

Everybody hates Google documentation.... Let's face it - it's the fuckin worst. So, instead of wasting your prime adult years trying to figure out what an MX record is, how to setup SPF, DKIM & DMARC records and why nothing ever works... I filmed a quick video for you showing you all about it.  You'll still prolly be bored to death, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel now.  Cheers, & Stay funky 🦩 -- tags: #emailmarketing #email #gsuite #google #seo #digitalmarketing

The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy // The Hitchhikers Guide Book Scene

📺 The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy  // The Hitchhikers Guide Book Scene 📗 Ebook [FREE] : 🎧 Audiobook [FREE] : 📚 6-Book Series [FREE]: 🍿 The Movie [FREE]: ▁▁▁▁▁ GUIDE VOICE                      The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a                      wholly remarkable book...                      ...Perhaps the most remarkable, certainly                      the most successful book ever to come out                      of the great publishing corporations of                      Ursa Minor.                 ...

Cloudflare Redirects: How to Setup 301 Redirects (URL Forwarding) Using ...

So you have a super popular "how to poop standing up" article 💩, butt you just got a new domain hooked up on CloudFlare and are worried that all those people who bookmarked the old URL might not be able to find thew new one... Sounds like you need to setup some 301s! Unfortunately, setting up a 301 redirect at CloudFlare isn’t that self-explanatory… And since nobody likes reading documentation I figured that a true hero needed to step up and make this easy on the rest of the world. So here I am, hero of the internet, come to make your life easier once again – with an article, video & SOP for you to save and use later! -- ✔️ Checklist/SOP: 📝 Full article: -- How to setup a CloudFlare 301 redirect using “page rules”: The process of setting up redirects using Cloudflare’s DNS is pretty simple. You add your domain, point the CloudFlare DNS records (A reco...